
  Val's 19 month MRI images

For comparison, the 8 month and 19 month images are placed side by side.
8-month_axial.jpg (25791 bytes) 20_Month_Axial.jpg (31978 bytes)
8 month axial image. 19 month axial image at the same image slice position.
Despite the larger size of the black background, the size of the skull image is precisely the same.


8-month_coronal.jpg (24353 bytes) 20_month_coronal.jpg (29245 bytes)
8 month coronal image. 
It was measured at 3.4 x 2.3 x 2.0 centimeters for a volume of 8.2 cubic centimeters
19 month coronal image. Dr. VonDoersten measured it at 3.8 x 2.4 x 2.9 centimeters for a volume of 13.2 centimeters, a 63% increase.


The doctors measure the tumor in specific places and directions. From the literature and from watching the doctors, this is my understanding of those locations.
AxialMeasure.jpg (11476 bytes) CoronalMeasure.jpg (9858 bytes)
Axial image width and length measure directions Coronal image height measure location

