Off-site Links |
Background on ANs |
ANs - brief, laymen's text FAQ |
ANs - treatment options,brief |
- better with illustrations |
ANs - complete, w/medical
terms |
is a Neuro-otologist |
Topics |
Illustrations |
Radiation Therapy |
What is an Acoustic Neuroma? |
Val's diagnostic MRI Images April 02 |
Radiation (good intro) |
How has it affected Val? |
Immediate post-surgery MRI images |
Stereotactic Radiation
(thorough) |
How bad is Val's AN? |
8 mo. follow up MRI images Dec 02 |
Radiation U-Cal SD |
Answers to questions people have asked |
19 month MRI images Nov 2003 |
Staten Island University
Hospital ** |
Prior to surgery, Surgery
& 1 week after |
* 30
mo. comparison images Oct 6 |
How a LINAC works |
Updates (1) from home April 2002 |
ANs of various sizes |
Imaging |
Updates (2) for May 2002 |
Val's tumor Growth Chart |
How CT Scans Work |
Updates (3) for June 2002 |
Routes for AN surgery |
does an MRI work |
Update (4) for July
2002 |
Brainstem & Facial Nerves in skull |
Cerebro-spinal Fluid |
Update (5) for August 2002 |
Facial Nerve |
What is
Hydrocephalus |
Update (6) for September 2002 |
Fraying of Facial Nerve |
shunt |
Update (7) for October 2002 |
Neck Musculature |
is Papilledema |
Update (8) for November
2002 |
CSF Circulation |
Blind spot self-demo
demo 2 |
Update (9) for November 16, 2003 |
Diplopea-double vision |
Update (10) for December 7, 2003 |
Off-site Illustrations |
How our balance system
works |
Update (11) December 20, 2003 |
of Surgical Removal |
Seizures and Fainting |
Update (12) for January 1st, 2004 |
Nerves inside the Skull |
About the drug
Dilantin |
Update (13) for July 16, 2004 |
V/P shunt routing |
What causes Fainting |
Update (14) for Aug 25, 2004 |
Others' stories |
Facial Palsy |
Update (15) for
Aug 29 Post-Shunt |
Experience of Inez Petersen |
w/illustrations |
Update (16) for Sept 5, 2004 |
Brinkman's Story |
Re-animation of
paralyzed face |
Update (17) for Oct 13, 2004 |
AN Patient Archive - Lots of info! |
Update (18) for Oct 18, 2004 |
Thoughts |
* Val's final journey Oct 20, 2004 |
On money, medicine & emotions |
* Val's busy Afterlife! Oct 21, 2004 |
** Update on SIUH & Dr Lederman |
Contact us |
About this website:
On Wednesday evening April 3rd 2002, after returning from the doctor's office, Val and I
began notifying friends and family by e-mail. The next day, Thursday, Valerie spent almost
15 hours answering the phone - and she had to use the same ear all day! This was clearly
not an optimal situation.
So Thursday night, from 9PM until 2AM, I wrote the core of this website, assisted
with setup and navigation by my son, Ian, to disseminate the information Val and I
had. The next day, in response to people's feedback about the site, we added the
"Answers" section. I have continued to add to it since in response to peoples
questions, and to my own quest for understanding, and as personal therapy.
It was updated daily with Val's condition and circumstances while she was in the hospital
in Missoula and until her condition and circumstances stabilized to where daily updates
would have been repetitive. Frequency of updates then dropped to every few days,
then weekly, and through November 2002, monthly. It has been updated with text
and images from a 19 month follow-up MRI series in November and December 2003, radiation
treatment in New York, and 27 and 30 month MRI images from July and October '04 with text
to October 18th.
Valerie and I very much appreciate your love and concern, and are truly uplifted by your
support. Thank you.Thank you for using this website to stay in touch with
Valerie's condition.
PS. Please let me know if there are links that no longer
work. Thanks |
Joe |